The June QSO party for 2005 is over. The 222 HT I bought worked OK - added a few more points and mults to the score. It has a sticky PTT button when it gets hot, and boy was it hot this weekend! Temps in the 90s and humidity never below the 90% mark even at night. My score came in around 14,500 points or so.
Because of the humidity, 24 and 47 GHz were mostly non-players, which stunk. I need a bigger dish for 24 I guess.
I did manage to work WA2IID in a couple of grids and that helped a lot! :-) He has a very nice rover setup
ARRL Soapbox and it was nice to see him and Tom KB2SSS again.
On the positive side of the ledger, my 2304 MHz and 3456 MHz transverters worked fine, as did the dish that Dennis N2LBT loaned me. I didn't get a chance to break out the 902 MHz transverter. Next step is to add some power to those guys. I have amps from Pyro Joe for 2.3 and 3.4; John K2JJB gave me 55 watts for 902. I just need to get them integrated....
yeah, just.